potty training : i know she will mad at me if i show her this pic when she grow up ;)

I think this is the right time to start the toilet training for my princess. She's ready and I'm ready devote the time and energy to do this potty training. Chiara already give me the signal when her diaper is wet and she said "Pipi" and "Poo-poo" when she need to go to the toilet. Well sometimes we still had an accident. Somebody told me, it will takes for a couple months to training this thing. Oh what the...?!! But I have to be patient and suportive. You can do it beyb!!
Sometimes I allowed her to see me when I use the toilet. I want her to feel comfortable in the bathroom and I let her play with flushing the toilet and watch the bowel movement disapear down the toilet hehehe... I bought her a potty seat with ducks pattern (her favorite animal) I told her that this "ducky seat" is her own chair. She's crying at the first time when she sit on the potty seat. But then I accompanying her and let her play with her toys to make her relax and show her that it's allright to sit on the potty. And now she's understand! The accident still happened sometimes... I found her "pipi" in her diaper. But it takes times rite? Every child has their own time... But hopefully she'll learning fast! hehehe... ;)

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